Convenient Levelogger Software

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Levelogger Software is user-friendly. It auto-detects the type of datalogger connected, and provides the appropriate programming options. The Datalogger Settings tab provides information about the connected datalogger, including battery level. It is used to set a sampling regime, and start and stop dataloggers. There are options for immediate start or a future start and stop times. Settings files can be saved for easy re-use. Apply the settings files to synchronize all dataloggers in one project.

Data Control is used to download, view, and export data files for use in other software programs. The Real Time View tab is used to actively view data as it is being collected by the datalogger. The Data Wizard is used to perform multiple data compensations, including barometric compensation, manual data adjustments, and parameter adjustments. The Conductivity Cal tab is used to calibrate the Levelogger 5 LTC.

The Software also includes helpful Utilities. The Diagnostic Utility is available for a quick check on the health of your datalogger. It checks the function, calibration, backup and logging memories, pressure transducer, temperature sensor and battery voltage, as well as enabling a complete Memory Dump if required. The Firmware Upgrade Utility allows you to update dataloggers as new firmware becomes available.