Assessing Coastal Flood Vulnerability To Sea Level Rise Enhanced By Extreme Events In Preferential Flow Pathways

Building Community Resilience Community resilience in the face of sea level rise and extreme events, such as atmospheric rivers and highest astronomical tides (HAT), is a pressing concern for coastal regions worldwide, including coastal California. James Jacobs, a PhD candidate researcher at the University of California Santa Cruz and experienced hydrogeologist, is investigating whether utility… Continue Reading »

water temperature logging in poland

Assessing Low-Temperature Geothermal Potential With Temperature Logging

With the growing need and interest in using clean or carbon-free energy, the Polish Geological Institute—National Research Institute (Polish Geological Survey) conducted a study to assess the potential for low-temperature geothermal energy in the country. The research was carried out between 2021 and 2023, and the findings were presented at the 49th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir… Continue Reading »

Polish Mining Institute Finds Levelogger Data Ideal For Precise Hydrogeological Monitoring

Researchers at the Institute of Open Cast Mining in Poland (Poltegor-Instytut) performed several studies to determine the suitability of Solinst Levelogger water Level dataloggers for hydrogeological monitoring of their mining operations. Through pumping tests and other studies, they showed that continuous, high-frequency water level data is critical to accurately track the effects of mining operations… Continue Reading »

Reclaiming And Remediating Abandoned Mine Drainage For Clean Water Use

Coal mining began in Pennsylvania over 250 years ago, and today it still supplies 60 per cent of the fuel for the state’s electric power generation—the fourth largest coal-producing state in the U.S. Despite efforts such as the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA, 1977), over 5000 miles of Pennsylvania’s streams remain polluted by… Continue Reading »

Planting 51 Trees Speeds Up Toluene Cleanup Efforts

High-Res Groundwater Monitoring Tracks its Success: Over 40 years ago, a former industrial site in the City of Guelph, Ontario, was contaminated by toluene; the chemical plume has since leached into the underlying fractured bedrock aquifer. Today, the site is home to a unique research project headed by the University of Guelph Morwick G360 Groundwater… Continue Reading »

5 Tips For Getting The Most Accurate Readings From A Sonic Water Level Meter

The Solinst Sonic Water Level Meter works by a probe at surface transmitting a low frequency sound wave into a pipe, tube, or well, and measuring the time it takes for the pulse to return after making contact with water. The depth to water is calculated using the speed of sound and time. The depth to static water level is displayed on the LCD screen of the control unit after just a few seconds… Continue Reading »