Tag: 9100 sts telemetry

Solinst Telemetry Options For Water Resource Management

Whether you believe it’s a natural cycle or global warming induced, it’s hard to ignore the signs of climate change. The weather has been extreme the last few years, punctuated by “superstorms”, flooding, and widespread droughts. It’s not just these sudden extreme events that are concerning, but issues of long-term resource sustainability are… Continue Reading »

Solinst Telemetry Helps Assess Drought Conditions In North Carolina

The Water Resources Division of North Carolina’s Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) is responsible for protecting, enhancing, and managing North Carolina’s surface water and groundwater resources. More than half of North Carolina’s population receives its drinking water from aquifers. With a large amount of the state’s groundwater also being used for irrigation, livestock, mining, and… Continue Reading »