Multilevel Systems

401 Waterloo System Proven Results for Decades

CMT Ideal for Monitoring in Highly Industrialized Zone

Waterloo Wells Accurately Characterize Landfill
A multilevel system is a groundwater instrument, which allows the monitoring of a number of discrete groundwater zones within a single borehole. The system typically consists of seals and ports, which are placed at varying depths along a casing string, effectively isolating and providing access to each monitoring interval.

Multilevel Systems multiply the number of discrete sampling points in your monitoring well by up to a factor of 24
We have sold thousands of multilevel systems over the years. Now more than ever, Hydrogeologists are increasingly recognizing that multilevel technology is unique and valuable in providing detailed discrete data in one vertical profile.
Thousands of Multilevel Systems Installed Globally and Growing!

Benefits of installing Multilevel Monitoring wells on your site include:
- Obtain defensible data that saves valuable time.
- Improve decision making due to superior data collection.
- Reduce risk factors associated with cross contamination when complicated site conditions are identified.