Tag: water level datalogging

Water Level Data Helps To Understand The Effects Of Climate Change On Alpine Lakes

The Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks are designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites for their “exceptional natural beauty”. The seven parks – Banff, Jasper, Kootenay, Yoho, Mount Robson, Mount Assiniboine, and Hamber – are known for their scenic mountain peaks, meadows, canyons, caves, hot springs, and glaciers. Their pristine alpine lakes also draw millions of visitors to the parks each year. But as we hear so often… Continue Reading »

Leveloggers Monitor Irrigation Channels In Peru

Irrigated agriculture in Peru has been an important part of the country’s growth and development, dating back before the Incan Empire. Recently, concerns including water stress, declining water quality, and vulnerability to climate change have induced a push from the Peruvian government to improve the performance of the existing irrigation systems. The National Water Authority… Continue Reading »

Programming a Levelogger in the Field for Surface Water Monitoring

Long-term Open Channel & Surface Water Monitoring With Leveloggers

Leveloggers are used for measuring water levels in various surface water monitoring applications, including: flood and drought monitoring, base flow monitoring in stream beds, watershed recharge studies, stream gauging, lake and reservoir level monitoring, harbour and tidal fluctuation monitoring, wetlands monitoring, stormwater runoff monitoring, construction site runoff management, ecological studies, field… Continue Reading »