Tag: soil gas monitoring

CMT Used To Measure Mass Flux At A Complex Site

In a town in the Piedmont physiographic province, in the mid Atlantic, a proposed water supply well was contaminated with methyl tert butyl ether (MTBE). The well is located down gradient of several gas service stations with multiple known sources of MTBE. As such, a remedial effort was required by Virginia Department of Environmental Quality… Continue Reading »

Easy And Effective Sealing Of Zones With CMT Sand And Bentonite Cartridges

The 3-Channel CMT® Multilevel Monitoring System is ideal for direct push installations, as it is only 1.1″ (28 mm) in diameter. Often with these installations, the annulus available is too small to accurately place sand and bentonite layers for isolating the monitoring zones. Therefore, bentonite cartridges (spring and pre-formed) have been developed to give reliable seals between… Continue Reading »