Optional Flow Control Monitoring Assembly

Water Quality Probes

Solinst Eureka, a global leader in the design and manufacture of multiparmeter water quality sondes.





Solinst Field Services




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Under flowing artesian conditions or for vapor sampling, the CMT Multilevel System can be fitted with a flow through seal assembly (Figure 22) to allow the user to collect a sample, measure hydraulic or pneumatic pressure, and prevent uncontrolled flow from the well.

figure 22 cmt multilevel system flow through seal assembly

Figure 22 – CMT Multilevel System Flow Through Seal Assembly

The flow through seal assembly is tightened using a 11/32″ (9 mm) wrench. Once tightened, press down on the black ring while pulling up to remove the red plug. Then push the 1/4″OD tubing into the fitting, which creates a leak proof seal.

figure 23 cmt multilevel system flow through seal assembly installed

Figure 23 – CMT Multilevel System Flow Through Seal Assembly Installed