December 9, 2009
Visit Solinst at the NGWA Expo – Booth #1401
The National Ground Water Association (NGWA) is holding its annual meeting and conference from December 10-13th at the Ernest N. Morial Conference Center in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The NGWA Expo features a large exhibit hall where Solinst will be displaying equipment at booth #1401. Come view our full line of groundwater monitoring instrumentation, including the new 102 Laser Marked Coaxial Cable Water Level Meter and new LTC Levelogger Edge and get a sneak peek of a few up-and-coming products.
December 7, 2009
Leveloggers Still Work in Freezing Conditions
The operating temperature in water for the Levelogger is between -20° to 80°C (-4° to 180°F), so to avoid transducer damage, the easiest method is to lower the transducer below the frost line or ice formation depth. In shallow streams, wetlands or ponds where freezing may penetrate to the bottom, install the Levelogger in a vented stilling well imbedded into the bottom of the water body beyond the frost line.
If not possible, place the Levelogger inside two thin, elongated silicon, rubber or latex balloons filled with a non-toxic, non-corrosive anti-freeze or saltwater solution. Place the balloons and logger in a section of perforated 1.25" (30 mm) ID pipe in the monitored water. The antifreeze solution will protect the Levelogger from ice expansion at the pressure transducer, yet transmit any pressure and temperature fluctuations that occur. Always use caution, as the Levelogger can only withstand up to 150% of its stated depth fluctuation range.
Click here to view a case study where this method was successfully used.
November 24, 2009
Keep Your Bladder Pump in the Field This Winter
Install Solinst Bladder Pumps in your groundwater monitoring wells this winter. Solinst provides a special “Freeze Protection Assembly” for anyone wishing to dedicate Bladder Pumps in conditions where there is a risk of the sample line freezing. The assembly is simple to install in the field and may be retrofitted with ease to existing Pumps. The assembly can be used with 1.66" and 1" Pumps, PVC or stainless steel versions. The assembly simply consists of a specialized dedicated wellhead and “Y” connector. The Assembly ensures the sample line is easily flushed after each use and remains dry until your next sampling event.
November 11, 2009
Registration for NGWA Groundwater Expo Ends Friday
The 2009 National Ground Water Association (NGWA) Ground Water Expo is being held in New Orleans, December 10-13th, at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. The annual event is attended by groundwater professionals from all sectors of the industry, and includes an exhibit hall (December 11- 12th) displaying all of the latest related technology.
Solinst Canada Ltd. will be exhibiting at booth 1401, so come visit us and view our full line of groundwater monitoring equipment, including the new laser marked 102 Water Level Meter.
The mail-in deadline to register for the conference is this Friday, November 13th. You can visit the NGWA website to register, or download the form from our website at:
For more on the conference, visit:
October 26, 2009
Solinst Symposium a Great Success!
Last week's Symposium on "Recent Advances in Watershed and High Resolution Monitoring" was a great success! The event was attended by environmental professionals from across North America. Solinst was pleased to welcome participants from Stantec, AMEC, Credit Valley Conservation, WorleyParsons Canada Ltd., Geosyntec Consultants, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and many more practitioners from local agencies, consulting firms and organizations.
Over the two days, attendees enjoyed very informative presentations, networking opportunities, sharing ideas and experiences with colleagues, as well as discussions and product demonstrations with Solinst staff members. Participants gained a lot of knowledge on the importance of protecting our water resources at a watershed (and ecosystem) scale and the enormous need for high resolution data to achieve this. The presentations introduced new methodologies and technologies that show promise in realizing these goals.
October 20, 2009
Solinst Symposium Only Days Away!
The Symposium on “Recent Advances in Watershed and High Resolution Monitoring” being held at Solinst Canada Ltd. is only days away - but there is still time to reserve your spot!
This unique symposium, being held in Georgetown, Ontario Canada on October 22 and 23, will provide attendees with an opportunity to discuss environmental applications and monitoring methodologies. The Symposium will feature speakers from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, AMEC Geomatrix, University of Kansas, and more.
Throughout the two days of the Symposium, live hands-on demonstrations and discussions will be taking place and Solinst technical staff will be available to answer any questions about Solinst equipment and hydrogeological applications.
For more on the symposium, visit:
October 13, 2009
MOE Presents: Provincial Water Monitoring Networks
Deborah Conrod, Supervisor for the Provincial Stream Water and Groundwater Monitoring Networks at the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, along with her colleagues Pradeep Goel and Dajana Grgic, will be presenting at the Symposium being held by Solinst on October 23 at 10:30 am. Their presentation, titled “Designing Provincial-Scale Water Monitoring Networks to Meet Future Needs”, will focus on current monitoring projects being undertaken, and how these monitoring networks support numerous activities leading to informed resource management decisions.
For more information about the Symposium being held at Solinst Canada Ltd. on October 22nd and 23rd, please visit:
October 9, 2009
Come See Us at WEFTEC '09 – Booth #3508
WEFTEC 2009, the 82nd Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, is being held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, from October 10th to 14th. Among over 900 exhibitors you will find Solinst at booth #3508. Be sure to visit us at the largest water quality event in North America and view our full range of instruments and technology, including our new LTC Levelogger Edge, which measures water level, temperature and conductivity – all in one instrument! For more on the conference, visit:
October 1, 2009
Jim Butler Presents: Water Level Responses to
Fluctuations in Barometric Pressure
Jim Butler, Senior Scientist and Chief of the Geohydrology Section of the Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas, will be delivering a presentation on “New Approaches for Exploiting Water-Level Responses to Fluctuations in Barometric Pressure” at the upcoming Solinst Symposium on October 23rd at 12:00pm. Jim will discuss longer-term responses in wells to changes in barometric pressure, using methods of passive water level and barometric pressure monitoring.
For more information about the Symposium being held at Solinst Canada Ltd. on October 22nd and 23rd, please visit:
September 29, 2009
Murray Einarson Presents: High Resolution Monitoring
Murray Einarson, Principal Hydrogeologist with AMEC Geomatrix, will be delivering a presentation on “High Resolution Subsurface Characterization and Monitoring” at the upcoming Solinst Symposium on October 22nd at 10:30am. Murray will discuss new technologies that allow site investigators to perform rapid, high-resolution site assessments. He will explain how these technologies provide more conclusive data on the nature, extent, and migration of contaminants in the subsurface, versus traditional site assessment practices.
For more information about the Solinst Symposium, being held at Solinst Canada Ltd. on October 22nd and 23rd, please visit:
September 25, 2009
Solinst Launches Newly Redesigned Website
Solinst is proud to introduce its newest version of Our web team has been hard at work developing the new web site, which offers much faster download times, easier user navigation, more accurate internal search capabilities and a brand new user interface.
At its core, the main user navigation remains intact, so there is no need to re-learn where things are on - they are where you expect them to be. To access information on our full product line, you still click on the Products tab on the main navigation bar, which will take you to
Included on every page of the site is a link to our RSS Feed, which can be subscribed to on our News page, ( and is updated on a regular basis.
The Home Page ( interface is completely different, with the introduction of a new navigation bar that takes the user directly to our product lines pages (ie. Dataloggers and Telemetry
Take a look around, let us know what you think and watch for more updates.
September 18, 2009
September 18th is World Water Monitoring Day!
World Water Monitoring Day (WWMD) is an international program run in coordination by the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and International Water Association (IWA), with the aim of promoting public involvement in protecting the world's water resources.
Schools, clubs, organizations, etc. are encouraged to use Test Kits available through WWMD to sample and test their local water bodies for basic water quality parameters, including temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and turbidity. Results, stories and reports are shared on the organizations website at:
The official day of celebration is September 18th. A large event involving various supporting organizations and local schools in Washington, D.C. is being headed by WEF and IWA, but participants all over the world are asked to hold their own water monitoring day - any day up until December 31, 2009. Data from these monitoring events has been accepted since March 22, 2009 (World Water Day).
To learn more, visit the website at:
September 14, 2009
You are invited to Solinst - October 22nd and 23rd!
Solinst is proud to invite you to a unique Symposium, to be held at our office, located in Georgetown, Ontario Canada on October 22 to 23, 2009.
The Symposium will focus on Recent Advances in Watershed and High Resolution Monitoring and will provide attendees with an opportunity to discuss environmental applications and monitoring methodologies.
The Symposium will feature speakers from the University of Waterloo, Boart Longyear, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, and more.
Throughout the two days of the Symposium, live hands-on demonstrations and discussions will be taking place and Solinst technical staff will be available to answer any questions about Solinst equipment and hydrogeological applications.
To view the full agenda, including speaker topics and bios, and hotel and registration information, visit:
September 2, 2009
Vapor Monitoring with Solinst Equipment
Solinst is best known for our high quality groundwater monitoring instrumentation, but we do also offer instruments that can be used for vapor and soil gas monitoring.
The CMT Multilevel System allows vapor sampling from up to 7 discrete zones in one borehole. The tubing can be fitted with a special wellhead used to sample contaminant vapor concentrations in the unsaturated or vadose zone above the water table.
The Model 615 Drive-Point Piezometer is designed as an affordable method to measure shallow groundwater and soil vapor conditions. A tubing barb allows the attachment of polyethylene or Teflon tubing for high quality sampling, using a Peristaltic Pump (or other).
The Solinst Model 410 Peristaltic Pump uses rotating rollers to depress silicon tubing, creating a vacuum, which displaces any fluid or gas in the chosen direction. It is ideal for vapor sampling, effective up to the suction lift limit (can be up to 33 ft or 10 m).
August 27, 2009
Solinst Leveloggers Simplify Your Pumping Tests
Solinst automated water level dataloggers have the tools to make your pumping tests easy. Levelogger PC Software enables your Levelogger Gold dataloggers to be programmed with a sampling schedule that best matches your pumping rates and test duration; so you can customize your sampling schedule to record water level readings before, during and after the pumping test (baseline, pumping and recovery), each interval with a unique rate.
The PC Software also allows you to view real-time readings. If you deploy your Levelogger on a Direct Read Cable, readings can be viewed and saved on a field laptop as you are conducting the tests. A Leveloader Gold data transfer device also allows you to view real-time readings during your pumping test. Levelogger recordings are easy to compensate for barometric effects if you use an on-site Barologger to record barometric pressure during your tests. The compensation wizard in the Levelogger PC Software computes true net water level data, with just a few clicks of your mouse!
August 14, 2009
Visit Solinst at StormCon 2009
From August 16-20, visit Solinst at booth number 827 at StormCon The World's Largest Stormwater Pollution Prevention Conference. Being held at the Anaheim Marriott in Anaheim, California, the conference will feature presentations, sessions and workshops on the most current issues in stormwater monitoring and management.
Featured at the Solinst booth will be the new LTC Levelogger Edge. The LTC Levelogger Edge continuously records conductivity, temperature, and water levels over time, making it ideal for surface water quality monitoring. Come learn more about all of our products, and how they can be used in your next stormwater monitoring project. For more on the conference, visit:
August 12, 2009
New Levelogger Gold Software Version 3.4.0 Released
Solinst has updated the Levelogger Gold PC Software to Version 3.4.0, for use with the Levelogger Gold, Levelogger Junior, LTC Levelogger Edge, Barologger and Rainlogger. Along with a few minor improvements, the Software now includes a Utilities menu from which users can quickly and easily access the Firmware Upgrade Utility and Diagnostics Tool.
Firmware Version 2.006 has also been released for the Levelogger Gold and Levelogger Junior, as well as Firmware Version 2.001 for the LTC Levelogger Edge. The new LTC Levelogger Edge Firmware provides improved performance when calibrating the unit, as well as retaining the user calibration history.
The new Software and Firmware has been posted on the Solinst website and is ready for download along with the User Guide and Quick Start Guide. Register your Solinst Software and receive these updates automatically. Download the Software and Firmware at:
August 5, 2009
Start Planning Your Telemetry System
Do you require frequent, continuous monitoring of water levels in a remote location? Are you thinking about setting up a remote, wireless monitoring network with your Solinst Levelogger? The STS Gold Telemetry System Preparation Guide can help get you started. The guide helps you determine the type of communication technology you require, and provides an overview of all the steps taken to get your system out in the field and collecting data. View the guide at:
July 15, 2009
No-Purge Sampling with the Solinst Model 425
The Discrete Interval Sampler from Solinst is a no-purge instrument that allows groundwater sampling from a specific depth, with minimal disturbance, and without mixing of water from different levels or points of inflow in a well. The stainless steel sampler is pressurized before being lowered to prevent water from entering until the desired zone is reached.
No-purge, also known as zero-purge or passive sampling methods, have gained acceptance by many regulatory agencies for obtaining representative groundwater samples. These sampling methods are based on the principle that groundwater which flows through a screen and into a well, maintains equilibrium with the adjacent water bearing unit. Sampling at the screened interval should result in representative samples, without the need for purging.
When compared to conventional groundwater sampling methods, no-purge samplers typically require less costs and time to retrieve a sample. Minimal labor is required as there is no purge water to manage or dispose of. Normally, no-purge samplers do not require power, a compressor or control unit, and there is little or no well water agitation when the samplers are deployed and operated.
July 7, 2009
Find the Software and Firmware for Your Levelogger
To meet the ever-changing needs of clients and ensure high standards, Solinst is always improving existing products. This includes new Levelogger releases and Levelogger software and firmware updates from time-to-time. The most current and compatible software and firmware versions are available free to download from the Solinst website at:
Under the User Guides section of the downloads page, you will also find the Levelogger Compatibility Matrix. This useful tool allows you to quickly and easily determine the software and firmware version to use with your specific Levelogger to get the best performance out of your instrument and to ensure it is compatible with your Leveloader Gold data transfer device.
June 18, 2009
Solinst Exhibits at Largest NHWC Meeting Ever
The 8th National Hydrologic Warning Council (NHWC) conference and exhibition was a great success, with the largest attendance, agenda, and exhibitor numbers to date. Held from May 18-21 in beautiful Vail, Colorado, the conference is dedicated to providing information on real-time hydrologic warning systems to those who deal with storm readiness, emergency response and recovery.
Featured at the Solinst booth were the Levelogger series of dataloggers, which were a perfect fit for the conference. The product line now includes the new LTC Levelogger Edge that provides water conductivity, temperature, and level datalogging. When combined with a Solinst STS Gold Telemetry System, real-time water level data can be sent directly to those who need it - when they need it.
June 9, 2009
Solinst Emitter gets Positive Response at Battelle
Battelle held their Tenth International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium from May 5-8 in Baltimore, Maryland. The Symposium featured 420 platform and poster sessions, as well as an exhibit hall with 56 companies displaying bioremediation related services and instruments. It was another successful show for Solinst. There was a large amount of interest in the Waterloo Emitter, with comments that it is a great, low cost bioremediation option.
The Waterloo Emitter is a simple device designed to enhance the in situ bioremediation of contaminated groundwater, through direct, controlled, diffusion of oxygen or other amendments into an aquifer. The patented technology consists of a PVC frame wrapped with tubing that can be pressurized to obtain the desired flow of gas, depending on site-specific needs. They are conveniently sized for 2, 4 and 6" (50, 100 and 150 mm) wells.

June 2, 2009
International Agents Training at Solinst
Another successful training session was held on May 11 and 12, where 9 of our international Agents came to learn about Solinst Products. The Agents who participated are from Costa Rica, Spain, France, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Korea. The presentations and hands-on sessions were very informative. Thank you to everyone who could attend, it was very beneficial to all.
May 26, 2009
Solinst Demonstrates Equipment at GOwen Course
On the afternoon of May 6, GOwen Environmental Ltd., along with AEHS and IAH, hosted an outdoor field demonstration session as part of an annual 5-day course on Contaminated and Hazardous Waste Site Management. Always a well organized and informative event for over 100 attendees, Solinst Canada Ltd. was very pleased to be included as a demonstrator for another year.
Course attendees included representatives from local municipal, provincial and federal agencies, as well as private consultants and practitioners from across Canada and the United States. There was quite an interest in all Solinst products, from Water Level Meters to Pumps and Multilevel Systems. The highly educated group had excellent questions for our representative, which helped make this year's another great event.
April 7, 2009
New Levelogger Gold Software Version 3.3.0 Released
With the release of the new LTC Levelogger Edge, Solinst has updated the Levelogger Gold PC Software to Version 3.3.0, for use with the Levelogger Gold, Levelogger Junior, LTC Levelogger Edge, Barologger and Rainlogger. The Software now includes a Calibration Wizard, support for regional settings for your geographical area, and more information in your .lev files. Leveloader Gold Firmware Version 1.200 has also been released for all Leveloader Gold units to work with the LTC Levelogger Edge. It also includes an update to allow units of measurement to be changed in the field.
The new Software and Firmware has been posted on the Solinst website and is ready for download along with the User Guide and Quick Start Guide. Register your Solinst Software and receive these updates automatically. Download the new software at:
March 27, 2009
NEW Solinst Model 102 Now Laser Marked!
Solinst Model 102 Coaxial Cable Water Level Meters now have permanent, accurate laser etched markings every 1/100 ft or each millimeter! They feature narrow diameter probes for use in wells as small as 3/8" (10 mm). Segmented weights make probes easier to handle, and are excellent for snaking past in-well pumps. The flexible cable has heavy-duty polyethylene jacket and stainless steel coaxial conductors for strength. Also laser marked is the new 102M Mini Coaxial Cable Water Level Meter, available on a small lightweight reel. more >>
March 26, 2009
NEW! LTC Levelogger Edge Level, Temperature and Conductivity
The New LTC Levelogger Edge from Solinst provides the low cost convenience of datalogging conductivity, temperature and water level all in one instrument! The LTC Levelogger Edge has a full range from 0 80,000 µS/cm, has a memory for 16,000 sets of readings and a 5-year battery. It is compatible with Levelogger Gold Software, accessories and STS Gold Telemetry Systems. The LTC Levelogger Edge is ideal for salinity studies, stormwater runoff monitoring and a general indication of contamination levels. more >>
March 23, 2009
Water Monitoring News and Updates
Just released! The Solinst Spring 2009 newsletter features the launch of two new products: the Laser Marked Coaxial Cable Water Level Meter and the LTC Levelogger Edge. Also included are two case studies, the first highlighting the effectiveness of the Waterloo Emitter remediation device, and the second describes the use of the Levelogger Gold at the Greenland Ice Sheet. Other features include product applications and tips. more >>

February 27, 2009
Visit Booth 6 at RemTEC 2009
From March 3-5, visit the Solinst booth at the Remediation Technology Summit being presented by Pollution Engineering and Georgia Tech. Come learn more about our Waterloo Emitter groundwater remediation device, and all of our groundwater monitoring products. The summit is taking place at the Marriott Atlanta Marquis, Georgia and features numerous session presentations focusing on recent developments in environmental science and remediation.
For more on the conference visit:
February 25, 2009
GRA Groundwater Conference
On February 25th and 26th, visit the Solinst booth at the Groundwater Monitoring Conference, being held by the Groundwater Resources Association of California. Come learn more about Solinst Leveloggers and all of our groundwater monitoring products. The conference is taking place at the Doubletree Hotel in Orange, California, and features numerous session presentations focusing on recent developments in all phases of groundwater monitoring. For more on the conference visit:
February 13, 2009
STS Interactive User Guide Now Online!
The Solinst Model 9100 STS Gold Telemetry System User Guide is now live both in PDF and HTML. (Both are fully searchable). The easy-to-navigate guide allows you to quickly find exactly what you are looking for, from setting up your STS System hardware and software, to programming your System and installing it in the field. The HTML guide is a completely interactive version that allows you to easily search and find what you are looking for - using the "Search" bar on
February 9, 2009
NEW Searchable Levelogger User Guide
Now available, is an interactive online version of the 3001 Levelogger® User Guide for Software Version 3.2.3. The user-friendly format makes it easier and faster to find the section you need. The guide is completely searchable, so you can enter what you are looking for in the "Search" bar on or your favorite search engine, and you will be directed right to the applicable sections. Also available is the new online version of the SDI-12 User Guide.

January 8, 2009
Looking Forward to Another Prosperous Year of Trade Shows
The 2008 Tradeshow Calendar was a busy and prosperous one. Highlights of the year included The Nielson Environmental Field Conference in Tampa Florida, Battelle in Monterey California and WEFTEC in Chicago Illinois. The year ended with a trip to Las Vegas for the National Ground Water Association (NGWA) annual meeting and Ground Water Expo. Over 5000 groundwater professionals took part in the event. Amongst 300 exhibitors, the Solinst booth allowed attendees to see and handle Solinst equipment and speak with technical staff members. We are already looking forward to next year's event in New Orleans! Until then, come visit us in California at the GRA Groundwater Monitoring Conference, or REMTec, in Atlanta. You can view the dates for our upcoming events at: >>